
In this research, we try to find relationship between collision and several factors. As a result, accident numbers is considered to be outcome (dependent variable), exposure of interest below are considered to be independent variables. Multiple linear regression is conducted to testify if correlation between outcome and predictors is significant.

  • collisionnumber: accident number at specific borough, date and time

  • daytime: According to analysis in overview, frequency of accident and injured people in the period of 8 am-20 pm is higher than other period of time. So we separate 24 hours into 2 catagories:use 1 to represent 8 am-20 pm (12 hours), 0 to represent elsewhere (12 hours)

  • borough: There are five different boroughs, Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens and Staten Island.

  • num_light: numbers of unfinished street light services

  • num_signal: number of nufinished traffic signal services

  • weathertype: weather type (fog, haze, mist, rain, snow and sunny)

  • prep: percipitation

  • vehicle: There are six kinds of vehicle catagories(passenger vehicle, sedan, sport utility vehicle, truck, taxi and others). We counts the vehicle catagory that have greatest number of cars at specific time, borough and date

  • holiday: use 1 to represent the day that is a holiday and weekend, use 0 to represent rest circumstance.


1. Correlation Matrix

cor_data = 
  cor(cbind(collisionnumber = pull(boro_daytime_weather_light_vt_hol,collisionnumber),
        model.matrix(collisionnumber ~ borough + daytime + weathertype + num_light+ num_signal + vehicle + holiday +prep, boro_daytime_weather_light_vt_hol)[,-1])

cor_data %>% 
  corrplot(method = "color", addCoef.col = "black", tl.col = "black", = 45, insig = "blank" , number.cex = 0.7, diag = FALSE)

Correlation between most variables is acceptable, but relationship between weathertype sunny and weathertype rain is above 70%, which indicate collinearity. When establishing model, we should always know that weathertype(sunny) shows most of information that weathertype(rain) contains.

2. Box-Cox Transformation

fit2 = lm(collisionnumber ~ borough + factor(daytime) + weathertype + num_light + num_signal + factor(prep) + vehicle + holiday, data = boro_daytime_weather_light_vt_hol) 

Box-Cox method applies a transformation by raising Y to different power, as we can see above, λ is close to 0, so we need to do natural logarithm transformation, turn Y into ln(Y).

3. MLR result

boro_daytime_weather_light_vt_hol = boro_daytime_weather_light_vt_hol %>%
  mutate(ln_collisionnumber = log(collisionnumber, base = exp(1)))
fit2 = lm(ln_collisionnumber ~ borough + factor(daytime) + weathertype + num_light + num_signal + factor(prep) + vehicle + holiday, data = boro_daytime_weather_light_vt_hol) 

summary(fit2) %>% 
  broom::tidy() %>% 
term estimate std.error statistic p.value
(Intercept) 2.1069024 0.1246978 16.8960648 0.0000000
boroughBROOKLYN 0.7095696 0.0237988 29.8153287 0.0000000
boroughMANHATTAN 0.3125737 0.0210182 14.8715425 0.0000000
boroughQUEENS 0.5748078 0.0403652 14.2401684 0.0000000
boroughSTATEN ISLAND -1.4204219 0.0194501 -73.0292005 0.0000000
factor(daytime)1 1.2576627 0.0108625 115.7805056 0.0000000
weathertypehaze 0.1887726 0.1089203 1.7331251 0.0831588
weathertypemist 0.0908404 0.1062359 0.8550817 0.3925626
weathertyperain 0.1375273 0.1028581 1.3370581 0.1812879
weathertypesnow 0.1427384 0.1055153 1.3527743 0.1762124
weathertypesunny 0.1293622 0.1030361 1.2555038 0.2093771
num_light 0.0000613 0.0000634 0.9673223 0.3334477
num_signal 0.0000139 0.0000232 0.5984272 0.5495925
factor(prep)1 0.0367187 0.0155665 2.3588220 0.0183860
vehiclepassenger vehicle 0.2480838 0.0665297 3.7289178 0.0001953
vehiclesedan 0.3523761 0.0660694 5.3334211 0.0000001
vehiclesport utility vehicle 0.2814519 0.0667477 4.2166519 0.0000254
vehicletaxi 0.4331257 0.0833836 5.1943774 0.0000002
vehicletruck -0.5312716 0.1587091 -3.3474554 0.0008239
holiday1 -0.2011300 0.0229079 -8.7799364 0.0000000

Above is result of multiple linear regression, it indicates that effect of borough is significant, BRONX works as reference, and all four indicator variables’ p-value is much smaller than 0.05. Brooklyn, Manhattan and Queens have a signifcantly greater number of accidents, while Staten Island has a signifcantly lower number of collision.

Besides that, p-value of “factor(daytime)1” is below 0.05. So this indicator variable is significant. Comparing with night, there are more accidents during the day.

p-value of num_light and num_signal is below 0.05. As for street light and traffic signal, their influence is not strong enough, people always believe that the presence of street light and traffic signal can reduce fatal road crash, which seems to be not reasonable statistically.

p-value of “factor(prep)1” is smaller than 0.05. Increasing of rainfall will significantly raise the number of accidents. However, the influence of weather is not significant.

The effect of “vehicle” is significant. “others” works as reference variables. All five indicator variables “vehiclepassenger vehicle”, “vehiclesedan”, “vehicletruck”, “vehicletaxi” and “vehiclesport utility vehicle” are significant. Driving passenger vehicle, sedan and sport utility vehcle will have a higher risk of involving in accidents, while driving truck can reduce the risk of accidents.

Last but not least, the influence of “holiday1” is also significant. It means that during holiday and weekend, there will be fewer accidents.

4. Model diagnostics

par(mfrow = c(2,2))

The four graph above prove the homoscedasticity of residual. The variance of residual does not change when fitted value changes. And it is also proved that residual’s expected value is 0. Through residual flutuates slightly around zero, it is still acceptable. Besides, residual is normality. No influential observation shows in the dataset. All assumption is satisfied.